Tuesday, 24 January 2017

LED: - Life Style, Exercise and Diet

If want to make a change in your body right LED is what you want to get used to, it is obvious that something is wrong is with your Lifestyle, Exercise and Diet otherwise you would have already been in a perfect shape. So you need to think hard and figure out what is in your way.
1.     Do you always make excuses before going to the gym?
2.     Over Sleeping.
3.     Addiction to sweets.
4.     Snacking all day.
5.     Stress eating.
6.     Addiction to chips, coke, pizza.
We Should not forget that the major factor for weight loss (not muscle loss) would be “metabolism”. A high metabolism would keep you from gaining weight whereas a low metabolism would keep you from losing weight. If you want to lose weight, you need to raise your metabolism.
After we reach the age of 30, our metabolisms start slowing down. This is why it is much more difficult to stay in shape as we grow older. Below is a sample Diet Plan that one could easily follow. Being an Indian in our house we already have an option of making vegetables curry and have Roti which fulfills our body need of complex carbohydrates.
If chosen right oil and Diet you can eat and lose weight simultaneously without any regrets.

Sample Fitness Schedule for a Below Case for Indian Women: -
1.     Ensure Drinking 3- 4 L of water in a day
2.     Ensure you take 7-7:30 hours of sleep in a day.
In next Post I will discuss about finding right kind of exercise according to your body type.

STAY TUNED ……………….